Trip Stats

Feature List

  • Required
    • Show a map of relevant data
    • Be able to draw an arbitrary shape or geofence on the map, and be able to filter data that is fully ­contained ​(begins and ends) within the shape
    • Be able to answer where the top pickups are for a given shape
    • Be hosted on Heroku, EC2, or somewhere we can access it by visiting a URL.
  • Extra credit
    • Create a heatmap showing trip density for any shape
    • Filters for time of day, or day/night
    • A page of interesting statistics about the current shape
    • Show popular routes
    • Show areas of high and low speeds


  1. Transform raw pickup data into pickup + drop-off data and load into Postgres (~1.5 hrs)
  2. Create Flask app to serve rows based on geo query (~1 hour)
  3. Create React + Google Maps app to display trip data and stats (~3 hours)
  4. make xhr to get trips grouped by lat/lng; show as "total trips" and as heatmap
  5. for top 10 trips, make parallel calls to reverse geocode lat/lng (if same address1 combine); show in list and on map
  6. make xhr to get trips grouped by hour of day; day of week; month show in histogram
  7. Tidy things up (~1 hour)

Design decisions and tradeoffs

Database: The key feature of this app is to be able to filter trip data using a Region of Interest (ROI). I used a LINESTRING geometry to represent the pickup and drop-off lat/lngs so that I could use ST_CONTAINS for filtering. Several features I wanted to build required the ability to group pickups by location and time of day. I created a hash index to try to speed up the group by (although for large ROIs, there's still a delay). I assumed that the timestamps for trips were in UTC time and converted the to ET. I also created a btree index on hour of day to improve the performance of querying by hour range (for day vs night).

Server: A flask app was a good fit. The app returns json that is consumed by the js client via a very liberal CORS policy.

Client: React app with lots of Google Maps APIs. I used a package that wraps most of the google maps functionality in React components but I had to break out of the abstraction to render the heatmap.

Next steps (given more time and resources)

  1. Improve the performance of group by queries. It might be possible to use a materialized view but I sort of think that the ST_CONTAINS in combination with the group by is the biggest issue.
  2. Create a react native app if mobile device support needed. The Google Maps javascript api doesn't support native clients well. It would be ~easy to replicate the ROI drawing functionality on a native maps stack.

Running the code

Database (assumes installed & on path)

$ cd data
$ ./ # or run the commmands one by one :)

Server (assumes python3 installed)

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3

Client (assumes node + npm installed)

$ cd client
$ npm install
$ npm start