
Move from scripts to classes

pjf opened this issue · 2 comments

pjf commented

Right now all end-points and actions are in scripts. There are a lot of them. They're cluttered. They don't inherit from any base class, or consume any common role.

We should fix this, because it will reduce a lot of boilerplate, and will make it much easier to write extensions. At the very least, I expect we'll want roles (or maybe classes) for:

  • Exobrain::Source (produces Exobrain::Measurement:: packets)
  • Exobrain::Action (consumes measurements, produces intents)
  • Exobrain::Sink (consumes Exobrain::Intent:: packets)

Our scripts can then be moved to classes which consume these roles. AFAIK Ubic can start/stop classes just fine. :)

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pjf commented

This is partially done, but in Exobrain::Agent and friends.

Leaving this ticket open because we want to move all the old scripts across to class-based agents.

pjf commented

This is even more done. Leaving open pending me writing actual docs.