
Add TODO items from sent email

Opened this issue · 1 comments

pjf commented

In a nutshell, it'd be awesome to have exobrain scan my sent email and automatically generate TODO items.


Hey client, I'm going to:

* Send (your company) a quote for (work). #todo
* Set up a new box for integration testing. #todo
* etc etc

Syntax to be properly decided. But I find myself sending clients a list of things I'll be doing for them, and then manually having to add those to my TODO manager.

  • Figure out syntax
  • Implement a sent message scanner that looks for said syntax
  • Add a complimentary classifier for said scanner that adds to RTM.

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pjf commented

For want of a better syntax, let's start with:

Attn: #exobrain (or some other attention line)

* item starting with asterisk begins list
* item which uses RTM mark-up ^tuesday !2 #tag
* item
   going over several lines (these go into the description, not title)

Text not starting with * ends list.