
test error

Opened this issue · 14 comments

When I run the test I got
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
TypeError: forward() missing 1 required positional argument: 'inputs'

I debug the test ,then I find the error occur in modle.py:335
if last_feat is None:
return torch.zeros(0), torch.zeros(0, 4), features
my conput env is four 2080Ti python0.41 and I don not know why it is occur

I get the same error.

I get the same error.

I test it and do not encounter these problems.
You need to use the latest code and install the environment according to the readme.
And maybe you can check the --dataset_path and --model_dir whether they are as required.

One simple solution may just use one GPU, "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, python train.py"

Thanks, I solved it by using one GPU.

Thanks, I solved it by using one GPU.

Could you tell me your memory on GPU? There is only 11G memory in my 2080Ti, It will out of memory。But when I set batch_size=4 and num_workers=16, The #13 will be occur. Have you ever encountered such a problem?

Thanks, I solved it by using one GPU.

Could you tell me your memory on GPU? There is only 11G memory in my 2080Ti, It will out of memory。But when I set batch_size=4 and num_workers=16, The #13 will be occur. Have you ever encountered such a problem?

My GPU is the same as yours. Maybe you can switch to Pytorch ==1.4.0.

Thanks, I solved it by using one GPU.

Could you tell me your memory on GPU? There is only 11G memory in my 2080Ti, It will out of memory。But when I set batch_size=4 and num_workers=16, The #13 will be occur. Have you ever encountered such a problem?

My GPU is the same as yours. Maybe you can switch to Pytorch ==1.4.0.

OK thank you very much

@ZhangwenguangHikvision Is I train on one GPU and then test can slove this problem?

@pjl1995 I train 100 epoch the last loss is 0.4 .And I test MOT16 train dateset ,got MOTA is 65.2 . I think is low of your paper is it code can not recurcent

You train on MOT17 training set, so you should test this model on MOT17 test set, instead of the MOT16 training set.

Thank you very much for your excellent work, I would like to know whether the MOT7 dataset only keeps the pictures within each sequence for training

Thank you very much for your excellent work, I would like to know whether the MOT7 dataset only keeps the pictures within each sequence for training


@pjl1995 I train 100 epoch the last loss is 0.4 .And I test MOT16 train dateset ,got MOTA is 65.2 . I think is low of your paper is it code can not recurcent
Are you using a pretrained model in training