
Implement typed comparison for each device properties

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Current state, we can setup devices' properties only as 'string' type and comparison operator is only for "equality"
e.g) Devices that have property "string_field" is "value"

  "key": "string_field",
  "value": "value"

We need various comparison like: equals, not equals, less than, less than equals, more than ...
e.g) Devices that have property "int_field" is less than or equal 10

  "key: "int_field",
  "value": 10,
  "operator": "lte".

ps. All properties are not overridable field like Dict<KEY, VLUE> but List<Dict<KEY, VALUE>> type so we don't need comparison for List like exists exists can be expressed by "property" is "value"

Also, default operator will be "equals"