
support emacs tags

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Generating ctags in emacs uses the -e flag it exuberant tags.

I don't know what that does, but it would be good if stags did that too!

pjrt commented

-e in ctags generates etags (which are different from the common ctags format used by vim).


Will need to do some investigation on how different etags are from regular ctags.

pjrt commented

Ok, so Hasktags supports etags: https://github.com/MarcWeber/hasktags/blob/master/src/Tags.hs#L149-L160

This is the closest thing I've found to an actual explanation of what etags are. I can't seem to find any documentation that just states how etags are made (that wiki article helps but it isn't detailed enough).

No idea why Emacs uses such weird characters as space separators. Still confused as to what size_of_tag_definition_data_in_bytes means in the wiki article. The example shows 21 but the example text (#define CCC() is only 12 characters (unless it is a typo).

pjrt commented

Oh, that's the length of the WHOLE section (all tags under that file), not just the text definition. Ok, I think I get it now.