
Any way to use stags as an sbt task

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The README provides a way to get stags-cli using coursier, however would it be possible to use stags as an sbt plugin so tag generation can be automated after every compile?

pjrt commented

There isn't such a plugin right now. There are a couple of actual CTags plugins (iirc, one allows you to specify the cli to call). However they all had some issues.

I've been thinking of making a plugin but haven't really had time.

pjrt commented

Btw, you can get the tags generation library (stags, without the cli) as a dependency of a project, in case you want to play around with it.

Any tips on how to do so? I had a go but couldn't figure it out. Googleing this stuff is hard as hell.

pjrt commented

Tips on making an sbt plugin? Not really sure, never really made one.

I mean getting stags as a dependency of another sbt project.

pjrt commented

Same way any other dependency: libraryDependencies += "co.pjrt" % "stags_2.12" % "0.2.6"