Basic example?
seanhess opened this issue · 1 comments
seanhess commented
Hi there, I'm revisiting a LiveView-esque framework I was toying with after a few years. I found replica, and I think the idea of having a lower-level remote VDOM library is fantastic. I'd like to get it running and see if it makes sense to build on top of it.
I can't figure out how to get a basic example working. How can I make an app where a button changes the message? I'm particular confused by the separate "fire" and "io" parts of step. If the action/io part returns a Just (IO ()) then it loops forever.
Thanks for your help!
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Example where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Replica as Replica
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Network.WebSockets.Connection (defaultConnectionOptions)
import Replica.VDOM as V
import qualified Replica.VDOM.Render as R
import Replica.VDOM.Types
newtype State = State Text
type Session = ()
example :: IO ()
example = do
putStrLn "http://localhost:3002" 3002 $ (V.defaultIndex "Title" []) defaultConnectionOptions id getInitial getSession step
getInitial :: IO State
getInitial = pure $ State "NONE"
getSession :: Context -> IO Session
getSession _ = pure ()
step :: (Context -> State -> Session -> IO (V.HTML, Event -> Maybe (IO ()), IO (Maybe State)))
step _ (State msg) _ = do
pure (newDom, fire, action)
-- pure (newDom, doStuff)
fire :: Event -> Maybe (IO ())
fire ev = fireEvent newDom (evtPath ev) (evtType ev) (DOMEvent (evtEvent ev))
action :: IO (Maybe State)
action = do
putStrLn "ACTION"
-- pure $ Just $ State "new message"
pure Nothing
myStuff :: DOMEvent -> IO ()
myStuff ev = do
print "MY STUFF!"
newDom =
[ VNode "div" mempty Nothing [VText msg]
, VNode "button" [("id", AText "woot"), ("click", AEvent (EventOptions True False False) myStuff)] Nothing [VText "Button"]
ludat commented
I've been trying to use this library and I've found the way to make this example work, there are two things wrong:
- the name of the attribute for click should be
instead, since on the client only attrs that start withon
are considered for event handling - the
callback should never return aNothing
. ANothing
means that the websocket will be closed by the backend (and it's never opened again), AFAICT the best value for that here isforever $ threadDelay 1_000_000