
Count triangles using the adjacency matrix of the graph

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The [i][j] element of the matrix-matrix product A*A is equal to the number of possible walks from node i to node j of length exactly 2, i.e. how many k exist that I can go from i to k and then from k to j. If there is also an edge A[i][j], then that is the number of triangles we are after!
Formally, the number of triangles c3 incident with each node is

  • Check the validity of the formula by implementing it in a high-level language (fixed in #4 )
  • Using the CSC storage scheme, implement in C/C++ the sparse matrix-vector product C=Av, where v is a dense vector. Validate your implementation by comparing your results against multiple matrices A and vectors v
  • Parallelize the code using OpenCilk, OpenMP, PThreads