
Using android phone's camera with <ifacialmocap powered by nvidia broadcast>

kissdesty opened this issue · 2 comments

I saw 'ifacialmocap powered by nvidia broadcast', which allowed me to capture high quality facials using the image from my webcam. Using this, would it be possible to make this program work with an Android phone's camera?

Hi, I am the developer of 'ifacialmocap powered by nvidia broadcast' and after setting the Output tab to 'iFacialMocap', you can communicate with talking-head-anime by changing the 'Send Version' to v2 You can communicate with talking-head-anime by changing the "Send Version" to v2.

If the "Input" tab is set to "iFacialMocap", it is possible to receive data from the Android application MeowFace.

Hi, I am the developer of 'ifacialmocap powered by nvidia broadcast' and after setting the Output tab to 'iFacialMocap', you can communicate with talking-head-anime by changing the 'Send Version' to v2 You can communicate with talking-head-anime by changing the "Send Version" to v2.

If the "Input" tab is set to "iFacialMocap", it is possible to receive data from the Android application MeowFace.

Hi, i'm having problem with IFacialMocap.
IFacialMocap Input window doesn't show up. It loads around 1sec, nothing renders and it closes.
Could you help me please?
Снимок экрана 2023-11-18 152424