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TargetClass := type:IRI

sh:targetClass: A TargetClass matches any node in the data graph with the triple (node, rdf:type, type) or any node which is of a type which is a transitive rdfs:subClassOf type.

# In a graph with nodes of types ex:student, ex:teacher and ex:class:
<http://a.example/Alice> a ex:student .
<http://a.example/Bob> a ex:professor . ex:professor rdfs:subClassOf ex:teacher .
<http://a.example/Art> a ex:class .
# sh:targetClass selects the subset of them to be tested against the <IssueShape> shape.
# This selects <http://a.example/Bob> for validation.
<TeacherShape> sh:targetClass ex:teacher .

Parent issue is Targets #36