
Can't set stroke width programatically

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm using Kotlin DSL. Here's my code

inline fun ViewGroup.gauge(theme: Int = 0, init: CustomGauge.() -> Unit) = ankoView( { CustomGauge(it) }, theme, init)
gauge {
    padding = dip(15)
    endValue = 500
    pointEndColor = Color.parseColor("#63bc73")
    pointStartColor = Color.parseColor("#63bc73")
    startAngle = 270
    startValue = 100
    strokeCap = "ROUND"
    strokeColor = Color.parseColor("#aba3a3")
    strokeWidth = 15f
    sweepAngle = 360
}.lparams(width = dip(250), height = dip(250)) {

Here is what I get. Even when I play with strokeWidth it doesn't effect. Any suggestions? Am I missing somethings?

Did you manage to resolve your problem? Was is sth wrong with setting stroke width or just problem with your implementation?

No, I did not. I ended up using XML layout instead of Kotlin DSL.