Do not overwrite crops
Closed this issue · 1 comments
This program was almost excellent for me! Only thing I was missing was the option to not to rewrite cropped images (i cut scanned pages to portions of text and images).
Python is not very well known for me so I believe it can be done much better, but it's all I can do:
In "try" I added:
import time
In class MyApp(tk) I've modified getImages to make it load images sorted by name:
for i in sorted(os.listdir(dir)):
Modified binds:
#self.bind('<space>', self.save_next)
And added complete "save" function:
def save(self, event=None):
box = self.getRealBox()
filename_l, file_extension_l = os.path.splitext(self.currentName)
currentName_l = filename_l + "-" + str(int(time.time())) + file_extension_l
c = "convert \"" + os.path.join(self.inDir, self.currentName) + "\""
c += " -crop " + str(box[2]-box[0]) + "x" + str(box[3]-box[1]) + "+" + str(box[0]) + "+" + str(box[1])
if (resize_width > 0):
c += " -resize \"" + str(resize_width) + "x" + str(resize_height) + ">\""
c += " \"" + os.path.join(self.outDir, currentName_l) + "\""
print c
subprocess.Popen(c, shell=True)
print "Running"
It adds to new file name datestamp, so nothing will be overwritten.
It might be useful for someone.
Best regards!
That's a good idea, thanks!
I had been using this with overwriting as a feature so that I could re-do a crop if I made a mistake, but I totally agree the default should be more careful abou that kind of thing.
Maybe a checkbox to allow overwriting without prompting and some way to format the output filename, e.g. a textbox with crops/{original}_cropped_{datetime}.{ext}
[edit] created #13 to track