
Styles issues on installation using zip files

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Dear @Vitaliy-1
We installed the theme in this by downloading the zip files in Codes
However, some issues fixed in Closed Issues are not there, e.g. dropdown menu, the size of article title, no search menu etc.

We compared to
Is it the correct method to install using the zip file? or should have installed codes from the release?
We have tried clear template cache but nothing changes

When and how you have downloaded it? I see that you have the style applied which I hadn't add to the theme (possible from not cleared cache or child theme).

Checked the release source file once more -> all looks OK.
My steps for trying to reproduce:

  1. Download the latest release:
  2. Setting right permissions to the plugins directory.
  3. Upload the archive through the admin dashboard (settings->website->plugins->upload new plugin)
  4. Waiting the green notice that plugin successfully installed.
  5. Enabling the plugin and switching to it in the appearence menu.
  6. Clearing template cache.


@kwahyu Did you perform all this steps?

In Codes - Clone or download - Download Zip. We did it today and installing through cpanel. Which style is that? We just moved up the additional content. We did not follow your 6 steps installation.

Did you cleare the cache?

You have got applied Bootstrap v.3.2.2 two times and 3.1.0 once on your site. This corrupts the view. The theme works on Boostrap v.4.0.0 and I don't see this version among your CSS.

Inside your head element:
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css">
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
and from theme should be:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">

Thanks a lot @Vitaliy-1
It is normal now