nagios check for Dell iDRAC 9 service processors
perl, snmpget on nagios server, SNMP enabled on iDRAC service processor
Enable SNMP on the iDRAC service processor
You will need a section in the services.cfg file on the nagios server that looks similar to the following.
# Define a service to check the Dell iDRAC service processor
# Parameters are SNMP community name
define service {
use generic-service
hostgroup_name all_dell_idrac9
service_description iDRAC
check_command check_dell_idrac9!public
You will also need a command definition similar to the following in commands.cfg on the nagios server
# 'check_dell_idrac9' command definition
# parameters are -H hostname -C snmp_community
define command{
command_name check_dell_idrac9
command_line $USER1$/check_dell_idrac9 -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$