
Quest 3 doesn't show up to sync

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I'm using a quest 3 and wasn't able to get the device to be found when attempting to sync the songs.
I've had to modify the code in the following function, and added what I saw the device was coming up when connected to my PC. I'm running windows 11.
should I make a pull request for the change?

  public static MediaDevice GetFirstFoundDevice()
      var devices = MediaDevice.GetDevices();
      foreach (var d in devices)
          if (d.Description.ToLower().Contains("quest") || d.Description.ToLower().Contains("pico") || d.Description.ToLower().Contains("mtp")) //<---**this is what I added to get my quest 3 to be found.**
              DeviceSongDirectoryName = $@"\Android\data\com.wanadev.ragnarockquest\files\UE4Game\Ragnarock\Ragnarock\Saved\CustomSongs";
              DeviceConfigDirectoryName = $@"\Android\data\com.wanadev.ragnarockquest\files\UE4Game\Ragnarock\Ragnarock\Saved\Config";
              return d;
      return null;

probably fixed with #49