
Navigable waveform using WebAudio and Canvas

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Interactive navigable audio visualization using Web Audio and Canvas.


API in examples

Create an instance:

var wavesurfer = Object.create(WaveSurfer);

Initialize it with a container element (plus some options):

    container: '#wave',
    waveColor: 'violet',
    progressColor: 'purple'

Subscribe to some events:

wavesurfer.on('ready', function () {

Load an audio file from a URL:


See the example code here.

WaveSurfer Options

option type default description
audioContext string null Use your own previously initialized AudioContext or leave blank.
audioRate float 1 Speed at which to play audio. Lower number is slower.
backend string WebAudioBuffer One of WebAudioBuffer, WebAudioMedia or AudioElement. In most cases you needn't set this manually.
container mixed none CSS-selector or HTML-element where the waveform should be drawn. This is the only required parameter
cursorColor string #333 The fill color of the cursor indicating the playhead position.
cursorWidth integer 1 Measured in pixels.
dragSelection boolean true Enable/disable drag selection.
fillParent boolean true Whether to fill the entire container or draw only according to minPxPerSec.
height integer 128 The height of the waveform. Measured in pixels.
hideScrollbar boolean false Whether to hide the horizontal scrollbar when one would normally be shown.
interact boolean true Whether the mouse interaction will enabled at initialization.
loopSelection boolean true Whether playback should loop inside the selected region. Has no effect if dragSelection is false.
markerWidth integer 1 Measured in pixels.
minPxPerSec integer 50 Minimum number of pixels per second of audio.
normalize boolean false If true, normalize by the maximum peak instead of 1.0.
pixelRatio integer window.devicePixelRatio Can set to 1 for faster rendering.
progressColor string #555 The fill color of the part of the waveform behind the cursor.
scrollParent boolean false Whether to scroll the container with a lengthy waveform. Otherwise the waveform is shrinked to container width (see fillParent).
selectionBorder boolean false Whether to display a border when dragSelection is true.
selectionBorderColor string #000 Used when selectionBorder is true.
selectionColor string #0fc The fill color for a selected area when dragSelection is true.
selectionForeground boolean false Whether the selection is displayed in the foreground.
skipLength float 2 Number of seconds to skip with the skipForward() and skipBackward() methods
waveColor string #999 The fill color of the waveform after the cursor.

WaveSurfer Methods

All methods are intentionally public, but the most readily available are the following:

  • init(options) – Initializes with the options listed above.

  • clearMarks() – Removes all markers.

  • clearRegions() – Removes all regions.

  • destroy() – Removes events, elements and disconnects Web Audio nodes.

  • disableDragSelection() - Disable drag selection capability.

  • disableInteraction() – Disable mouse interaction.

  • empty() – Clears the waveform as if a zero-length audio is loaded.

  • enableDragSelection() - Enable drag selection capability.

  • enableInteraction() – Enable mouse interaction.

  • getCurrentTime() – Returns current progress in seconds.

  • getDuration() – Returns the duration of an audio clip in seconds.

  • getSelection() – Returns an object representing the current selection. Returns null if no selection is present. This object will have the following keys:

  • startPercentage (float) [0..1]

  • endPercentage (float) [0..1]

  • startPosition (float) seconds

  • endPosition (float) seconds

  • startTime (string) Time display (IE: 1:32)

  • endTime (string) Time display

  • load(url) – Loads an audio from URL via XHR. Returns XHR object.

  • mark(options) – Creates a visual marker on the waveform. Returns a Marker object. See Marker Options, Marker Methods and Marker Events below.

  • on(eventName, callback) – Subscribes to an event. See WaveSurfer Events section below for a list.

  • pause() – Stops playback.

  • play([start[, end]]) – Starts playback from the current position. Optional start and end measured in seconds can be used to set the range of audio to play.

  • playPause() – Plays if paused, pauses if playing.

  • playPauseSelection() – Plays selection if paused, pauses if playing.

  • region(options) – Creates a region on the waveform. Returns a Region object. See Region Options, Region Methods and Region Events below.

  • seekAndCenter(progress) – Seeks to a progress and centers view [0..1] (0 = beginning, 1 = end).

  • seekTo(progress) – Seeks to a progress [0..1] (0=beginning, 1=end).

  • setFilter(filters) - For inserting your own WebAudio nodes into the graph. See Connecting Filters below.

  • setPlaybackRate(rate) – Sets the speed of playback (0.5 is half speed, 1 is normal speed, 2 is double speed and so on).

  • setVolume(newVolume) – Sets the playback volume to a new value [0..1] (0 = silent, 1 = maximum).

  • skip(offset) – Skip a number of seconds from the current position (use a negative value to go backwards).

  • skipBackward() - Rewind skipLength seconds.

  • skipForward() - Skip ahead skipLength seconds.

  • stop() – Stops and goes to the beginning.

  • toggleDragSelection() - Toggles the ability to drag a selection.

  • toggleMute() – Toggles the volume on and off.

  • toggleInteraction() – Toggle mouse interaction.

  • toggleLoopSelection() – Toggles whether playback should loop inside the selection.

  • toggleScroll() – Toggles scrollParent.

  • updateSelection({ startPercentage, endPercentage }) – Create or update a visual selection.

Connecting Filters

You can insert your own Web Audio nodes into the graph using the method setFilter(). Example:

var lowpass = wavesurfer.backend.ac.createBiquadFilter();

WaveSurfer Events

  • drag-mark - When a mark is dragged. Callback will receive the drag object, and a Marker object. See the drag event under Marker Events below for information contained in the drag object.
  • error – Occurs on error. Callback will receive (string) error message.
  • finish – When it finishes playing.
  • loading – Fires continuously when loading via XHR or drag'n'drop. Callback will recieve (integer) loading progress in percents [0..100] and (object) event target.
  • mark – When a mark is reached during playback. Callback will receive the Marker object.
  • mark-click - When the mouse clicks on a mark. Callback will receive the Marker object, and a MouseEvent object.
  • mark-leave - When the mouse leaves a mark. Callback will receive the Marker object, and a MouseEvent object.
  • mark-over - When the mouse moves over a mark. Callback will receive the Marker object, and a MouseEvent object.
  • mark-updated – When a mark is updated. Callback will receive the Marker object.
  • mark-removed – When a mark is removed. Callback will receive the Marker object.
  • marked – When a mark is created. Callback will receive the Marker object.
  • mouseup - When a mouse button goes up. Callback will receive MouseEvent object.
  • play – When play starts.
  • progress – Fires continuously during playback. Callback will receive (float) percentage played [0..1].
  • ready – When audio is loaded, decoded and the waveform drawn.
  • region-in – When playback enters a region. Callback will receive the Region object.
  • region-leave - When the mouse leaves a region. Callback will receive the Region object, and a MouseEvent object.
  • region-out– When playback leaves a region. Callback will receive the Region object.
  • region-over - When the mouse moves over a region. Callback will receive the Region object, and a MouseEvent object.
  • region-click - When the mouse clicks on a region. Callback will receive the Region object, and a MouseEvent object.
  • region-created – When a region is created. Callback will receive the Region object.
  • region-updated – When a region is updated. Callback will receive the Region object.
  • region-removed – When a region is removed. Callback will receive the Region object.
  • scroll - When the scrollbar is moved. Callback will receive a ScrollEvent object.
  • seek – On seeking. Callback will receive (float) progress [0..1].
  • selection-update – When a selection is updated. Callback will receive (object) describing the selection, or null if the selection is cleared. See getSelection() method for a description of keys that describe the selection.

Marker Options

option type default description
id string random An id you may assign to the marker
position float 0 Seconds
color string #333 HTML color code
width integer WaveSurfer.markerWidth Number of pixels

Marker Methods

  • getTitle() - Returns a time display string representing the position of the mark (IE: 1:34).
  • remove() - Remove the mark object.
  • update(options) - Modify the settings of the mark.

Marker Events

  • click - When the mouse clicks on the mark. Callback will receive a MouseEvent.
  • drag - When the mark is dragged. Callback will receive a drag object. The drag object contains the following keys:
  • startPercentage (float) [0..1]
  • endPercentage (float) [0..1]
  • leave - When mouse leaves the mark. Callback will receive a MouseEvent.
  • over - When mouse moves over the mark. Callback will receive a MouseEvent.
  • reached - When the marker is reached during playback.
  • remove - Happens just before the marker is removed.
  • update - When the marker's options are updated.

Region Options

option type default description
id string random An id you may assign to the region
startPosition float 0 The start position of the region (in seconds)
endPosition float 0 The end position of the region (in seconds)
color string rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2) HTML color code

Region Methods

  • remove() - Remove the region object.
  • update(options) - Modify the settings of the region.

Region Events

  • click - When the mouse clicks on the region. Callback will receive a MouseEvent.
  • in - When playback enters the region.
  • leave - When mouse leaves the region. Callback will receive a MouseEvent.
  • out - When playback leaves the region.
  • over - When mouse moves over the region. Callback will receive a MouseEvent.
  • remove - Happens just before the region is removed.
  • update - When the region's options are updated.


Initial idea by Alex Khokhulin. Many thanks to the awesome contributors!



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.