
Create ELement

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple js html element creation library

Basics of a "cel"

Basically a dom collection of elements, specifiable by json.

Create a div:

//Check the .js file for the defaults to cel()
var newDiv = cel();

Create an img:

var myImg = cel({ type: "img",
                  attrs: {
                          src: "http://placekitten.com/100/100"

Create a header:

var myHeaderOptions = {
  type: "div",
  id: "header",
  classes: ["fixed-top", "full-width"],
  children: [ cel({ id: "logo",
                    type: "img",
              cel({ id: "brand",
                    type: "h1",
                    innerHTML: "Kittens"
var myHeader = cel(myHeaderOptions);

Associated stylesheets

Basically a way to sync a cel with a <style> element

var myHeaderOptions = {
  type: "div",
  id: "header",
  classes: ["fixed-top", "full-width"],
  children: [ cel({ id: "logo",
                    type: "img",
              cel({ id: "brand",
                    type: "h1",
                    innerHTML: "Kittens"
var myHeaderStylesheet =  cel({
                            type: "style",
                            innerHTML: "#header { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; margin-bottom: 60px; height: 60px; background: #aaa }"
//myHeaderStylesheet doesn't need to be added to the document manually.
//It is done by the Cel.addToDocument(myCel), and so is also
//removed by Cel.removeFromDocument(myCel).
//TODO: Make cel -> Cel, in addition to a factory pattern
//TODO: Add {addTo,removeFrom}Document(myCdl) functions
var myHeader = cel(myHeaderOptions, myHeaderStylesheet)
myHeader.stylesheet.background = "blue";
myHeader.stylesheet.child("#logo").borderRadius = "30px 30px";
//TODO: Add stylesheet object to creations from Cel
//TODO: Add child(selector) method to myHeader.stylesheet to return an object that mirrors all of the styles of the matching node.
//e.g. So, this hear would modify the innerHTML of myHeaderStylesheet and add a rule about `#header#logo` to create a rounded image.
//and so, changing the very same borderRadius tp another value, or simply nothing, then would have its change reflacted in
//myHeader's synchronized stylesheet

Specifying event listeners

Basically a way to specify everything, or anything, all at once

var clickableBox = cel({innerHTML: "

I am a box.</[>"}, {}, {click: function(e){e.target.innerHTML+="

