[SRWebSocket setReadyState:] causes SIGABRT ABORT
Opened this issue · 5 comments
I am using socket.IO 0.5.2 and getting some crashes.
SIGABRT ABORT at 0x313cfdfc
This is stack trace:
SRWebSocket.m line 346
-[SRWebSocket setReadyState:]
SRWebSocket.m line 539
-[SRWebSocket closeWithCode:reason:]
SocketIO.m line 631
-[SocketIO onDisconnect:]
SocketIOTransportWebsocket.m line 114
-[SocketIOTransportWebsocket webSocket:didFailWithError:]
SRWebSocket.m line 592
__30-[SRWebSocket _failWithError:]_block_invoke_2
Having the same problem but it seems to be https://github.com/square/SocketRocket that's at fault. Sadly they haven't released a new version since January 2013. Even worse is that socket.IO-objc is using an even older version.
you could update the submodule and make a pull request - at least then we would use the "current" version.
That wouldn't help if you install socket.IO via cocoapods though, would it? https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/blob/master/Specs/socket.IO/0.5.2/socket.IO.podspec.json
I could do the cocoapods PR after the merge
hi pkyeck ! I have same problem , Could u help me how can I do just can fix it