
Windows test issues

TBSliver opened this issue · 0 comments

Have fixed a minor bug in t/Plack-Handler/output_encoding.t in #648 due to spaces in filenames, however I get another bug during the Standalone tests:

# Tom Bloor at PINTSIZE in ~\Documents\Wdir\Shadowcat\Plack on git:master ≣ +2 ~1 -0 ! [12:19:09]
➜ prove -lr

[ SNIP ]

./t/Plack-Handler/standalone.t ......................... 1/?
#   Failed test at C:\Users\Tom Bloor\Documents\Wdir\Shadowcat\Plack\lib/Plack/Test/ line 144.
#          got: '599'
#     expected: '200'

#   Failed test at C:\Users\Tom Bloor\Documents\Wdir\Shadowcat\Plack\lib/Plack/Test/ line 145.
#          got: 'Internal Exception'
#     expected: 'OK'

#   Failed test at C:\Users\Tom Bloor\Documents\Wdir\Shadowcat\Plack\lib/Plack/Test/ line 147.
#                   'Unexpected end of stream
# '
#     doesn't match '(?^:^package )'

#   Failed test at C:\Users\Tom Bloor\Documents\Wdir\Shadowcat\Plack\lib/Plack/Test/ line 148.
#                   'Unexpected end of stream
# '
#     doesn't match '(?^:END_MARK_FOR_TESTING$)'
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 102.
./t/Plack-Handler/standalone.t ......................... Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/102 subtests

[ SNIP ]

Test Summary Report
./t/Plack-Handler/standalone.t                       (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 102 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  21-22, 24-25
  Non-zero exit status: 4
Files=148, Tests=1206, 81 wallclock secs ( 0.58 usr +  0.42 sys =  1.00 CPU)
Result: FAIL

Not enitrely sure why this is, but its during the return glob test:

'return glob',
sub {
my $cb = shift;
my $res = $cb->(GET "");
is $res->code, 200;
is $res->message, 'OK';
is $res->header('content_type'), 'text/plain';
like $res->content, qr/^package /;
like $res->content, qr/END_MARK_FOR_TESTING$/;
sub {
my $env = shift;
open my $fh, '<', __FILE__ or die $!;
return [
[ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', ],

Note this is using the fixed version of TCP::Test from tokuhirom/Test-TCP#96 as well.

Running on Windows 10 with perl v5.30.2 under psperl