Video Player

  • Client in Angular v9.1 / TypeScript v3.8
  • Server in Node.js v12.13

How to use the app

  • Prerequisite: run sudo npm install -g @angular/cli if you don't have Angular CLI on your machine yet
  • npm run build from the root directory to install the Node modules in both client and server
  • npm run start from the root directory to start the app
  • Access the app on the following URL: http://localhost:8001

If any error occurs, please try to run the above commands in each directory (client and server) in two seperated terminals.

How to use the API seperately if needed

  • Access the API on the following URL: http://localhost:8000
  • POST a new history on route http://localhost:8000/history

Body example:

  videoUrl: ""
  • GET all histories on route http://localhost:8000/history
  • GET a specific history on route http://localhost:8000/history/:id
  • DELETE a specific history on route http://localhost:8000/history/:id

About the database

The database is a MongoDB Atlas cluster

It can be accessed by any IP address.

I'll keep the credentials secret for security reasons, please contact me if any error occurs when fetching/posting new data from/in it.

Improvements to be done


  • Implement a delete feature in the history panel
  • Don't store the URL in the history and the bookmarks panels if already presents but place it on top of the list
  • Improve the observer/observable pattern with a "change detection" Angular architecture


  • Improve security (remove all .env files from GitHub, protect the POST queries, etc.)
  • Better error handling
  • Add a Swagger documentation for the routes
  • Implement TypeScript for a better typing
  • Upgrade Node.js version