401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url (During setup)
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First of all thanks for the effort for creating this application.
I have used PI-Hole for redirecting the DNS
During the setup I'm getting stuck with the following errors:
/code/run # pethublocal setup INFO:pethublocal:Loading Config file pethubconfig.json INFO:pethublocal:Current Deployment Cloud Use exist SurePetCare Cloud (C) or build empty Local config (L) C/L ? C INFO:pethublocal:Building from Cloud Configuration, starting DNS check INFO:pethublocal:This is *VITAL* as you need to update your internal DNS to point hub.api.surehub.io to this host running PetHubLocal so that the hub connects to this host not the internet INFO:pethublocal:External DNS entry for hub.api.surehub.io: INFO:pethublocal:Internal DNS entry for hub.api.surehub.io: Is the Internal DNS updated to point to this host Y/N? Y INFO:pethublocal:Cloud Config: Logging into Surepet to get JWT Bearer Token INFO:pethublocal:Cloud Config: Authenticate to retrieve JWT Bearer Token: {"email_address": "", "password": "", "device_id": ""} DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): app.api.surehub.io:443 DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://app.api.surehub.io:443 "POST /api/auth/login HTTP/1.1" 401 69 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: https://app.api.surehub.io/api/auth/login <class 'requests.exceptions.HTTPError'>
`C:\Users>nslookup hub.api.surehub.io
Server: unifi.localdomain
Name: hub.api.surehub.io