
Need to add parameter --since when running script for first time

balibou opened this issue · 5 comments

Awesome repo !

I had to add the --since argument when running the script for first time

Screenshot 2019-10-26 at 13 58 37

PS: Don't take into account 1.18.1335 it was a print of my ccxt version :)

May I get the right to push a P/R please ? :)
I changed codebase to this:

print('-'*36, ' INFO', '-'*35)
print('Starting with default since value of {}.'.format(DEFAULT_SINCE))
print('-' * 80)
since = exchange.parse8601(DEFAULT_SINCE)

Yes please go ahead! Thanks for the improvement. Might not merge it today though.

ahah thx !
Screenshot 2019-10-26 at 16 52 39

still not working :)

Would it be ok for you to fork and edit in your repo, then send a pull request?
Or I'll just add your fixes later. I am debugging a mailserver currently.

No worries I will fork and edit it ;)