
Cannot set a profile avatar on onboarding

martindsq opened this issue · 3 comments

On a fresh simulator instance, and using the planetary test network, if I set an avatar during onboarding, it fails to save it after completing the onboarding steps.

time="2023-03-01 20:27:36.4507040 (UTC)" level=error msg="function returned an error" error="command failed: could not create a temporary file: open /Users/martin/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/0695BA6F-D721-411B-A899-2B508808F8DF/data/Containers/Data/Application/2F247F28-0BEF-4D6A-B988-7FB807E0EFEF/Library/Application Support/FBTT/0074ab4643509506c93f71722b1bc1508d362c8d0e762c44974a58153507accc/GoSbot/blobs/tmp/1677702456-1389380246.part: no such file or directory" function=ssbBlobsAdd source=golang
2023-03-01 17:27:36.451728-0300 Planetary[46580:22369663] LOG:UNEXPECTED:Unexpected fault: blobsAdd failed
2023-03-01 17:27:36.452970-0300 Planetary[46580:22369663] LOG:ERROR: unexpectedFault("blobsAdd failed")
2023-03-01 17:27:36.453215-0300 Planetary[46580:22368637] LOG:UNEXPECTED:Error setting profile picture: Unexpected fault: blobsAdd failed

The error is thrown by ssbBlobsAdd when called from line 129 in Onboarding.swift.

I don't know what's happening here, the user just logged in the line executed before and it is a fresh install, so maybe the GoSbot folder wasn't created yet?

boreq commented

It is a scuttlego bug.

boreq commented

This will also cause blobs not to replicate on fresh installs.

boreq commented

Maybe related to to some variations of #1192. edit: actually no, that is unlikely.