
Clock doesn't works correctly after uninstalling openiboot

splatterb0y opened this issue · 1 comments

I installed openiboot at my itouch 1g and testet it a bit.
After uninstalling it I noticed that the clock of my ipod is 2 hours to late in comparsion to the normal time. iPod says 02:00 but it was 04:00.

iTunes synced it but the clock was resettet everytime I turned the ipod off. I know time is a relative thing but this Issue should be fixed. ;) Maybe that Issue also occures on iPhone but I can't test it, due to the lack of an iPhone.

Maybe somebody of you can figure out what causes this problem and fix it. Thank You.

I'm noticing that my iPod Touch is getting clock corruption as well, although mine resets back to iPhoneOS epoch (January 1st, 2001).

I plan on restoring to stock and confirm it works correctly there. I think that when iPhoneOS takes over from openiboot it's not setting something up correctly.