
latest version not working anymore

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The latest version as per August,6 2016 is not working anymore. There are no services shown in the accessories


thanx for your comment. It is a little difficult to give support, since everything works fine here. Could you please provide some more info?


  • What app on what ios device are you using?
  • What operating system are you running on?
  • What netatmo devices are you using?
  • whats the content of your config file? (leaving out credentials for privacy reasons)
  • Did you already try to delete the accessories and persit folder in the ~/.homedrige folder?
  • Did you already try to reset your homekit settings on iOS?
  • What is the output on the console at startup and/or hombridge.log file?

Pleas provide any info that might be helpful to give some more support.

It's completely independent of any iOS version or devices, independent from HomeKit app.
The config file is straight forward, I made no changes in months, so no reason there.
I deleted accessories and persist folder -> no effect
I will definitely not reset my advanced HomeKit setting as everything (including all other Homebridge platforms and devices) is working fine.
Log does not show anything special. I just get the accessory information service of the weather station interior and exterior module and no further services. I don't have wind or rain sensors attached.
It worked with the update before, just your update two days ago is not working for me.


I rechecked all code chages from the 5. They only refelct comments and libs related to the welcome support, which does, as far as I can see from the little info you've given, not effect your settings.

Unfortunately I will not be able to give any support if I don't get more Info.
Maybe you should stick with an older version, since newest changes do not have any impact to your setting.