
gpq: not able to view the geoparquet output in QGIS 3.28

aborruso opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using 3.28.14-Firenze for Win.
If I drag 6 drop a gpq geoparquet output file, the file is not rendered in QGIS and I only have a white background.
And also the table view contains no record.

The source file is contained in this zip file, that contains some shapefiles:

I create the gepparquet in the way I have detailed below.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you

wget -O ""

unzip -o -d .

ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -t_srs EPSG:4326 comuni.geojson Limiti01012023/Com01012023/Com01012023_WGS84.shp -lco "RFC7946=YES"

gpq convert --compression="gzip" --max 1000 --from="geojson" comuni.geojson comuni_compressed.parquet

Starting from the same input, and using gdal and parquet output, I have no problem and QGIS render it properly