
have planet orders request take in a series of item descriptions to create an order

jreiberkyle opened this issue · 1 comments

To support the common use case of creating an order from a search, have planet orders request take in a series of item descriptions to create an order.


planet data search --limit 5 PSScene | planet orders request - --name test --clip aoi.geojson --bundle analytic

Implementation notes: ids and item type are taken from the input. There is a check for more than one item type, which at this point results in a failure (the ability to order multiple types could come in a future improvement)

Changes required:

  • planet order requests must now allow multiline input where each line is json in addition to ids as the argument
  • item-type is only required if the input is IDs

Below is a working example of extracting item type and id from the output of planet data search.

$> planet data search --limit 5 PSScene | python --items -
PSScene: 20230504_155548_86_24b9
PSScene: 20230504_134550_99_2251
PSScene: 20230504_052537_02_2465
PSScene: 20230504_043314_80_248b
PSScene: 20230504_161301_74_2405

Note: MultiJSON is a hacked up version of JSON, which is in the cli/ module. There is more work here in defining a type that can handle both comma separated strings and multiple lines of json.

import json

import click

class MultiJSON(click.ParamType):
    name = 'MultiJSON'

    def convert(self, value, param, ctx) -> list:
        if isinstance(value, list):
            conv = value
            # read from raw json
            # skip this if value is a Path object or something else
            if isinstance(value, str) and (value.startswith('{')
                                           or value.startswith('[')):
                    conv = json.loads(value)
                    if isinstance(conv, dict):
                        conv = [conv]

                except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                        'JSON string is not valid JSON. Make sure the entire '
                        'JSON string is single-quoted and string entries are '

            # read from stdin or file
                    with click.open_file(value) as f:
                        conv = [json.loads(line) for line in f if line]
                except FileNotFoundError:
          'File not found.')
                except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                    stream = 'stdin' if value == '-' else 'JSON file'
          '{stream} does not contain valid JSON.')

        if not len(conv):
  'JSON cannot be empty.')

        return conv

@click.option('--items', type=MultiJSON(), required=True)
def hello(items):
    for i in items:
        click.echo(f"{i['properties']['item_type']}: {i['id']}")

if __name__ == '__main__':