
Installation on Raspberry Pi

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello Andrew
Your solution looks very nice and is very interesting.
I am fighting to get the long message from my Solis WiFi logger ...
You have this problem solved ...
Now my question : can i follow your "Installing as a service" to have your solution installed on my pi?
Or what else do i have to consider?
Sunny greatings

Hi there - glad you're finding it helpful.

For installing as a service, I use supervisor, which is a python package for managing various processes. I have this working on my Raspberry Pi.

This is also the method I use in the Github workflow - you may find it helpful to refer to that (

This is just the method I'm most familiar with, however. Linux being linux, there are many different ways of doing this.

One thing that caught me out a few times is to use python3 and pip3 to ensure you are using Python 3+, I typically have the python command autmatically use Python 3+ but this is not how Raspbian is set up by default.

Best of luck, let me know if you have any other questions.

Hello Andrew
Many thanks for your response.
I am afraid, the specific setup of the pi will be to difficult for a beginner like me, isn't it?

Anyway, could you tell me, what else, beside a well configured python3+ system (currently using 3.7.3) , is neccessary to successfully run your code?
Many thanks, best regards and happy Easter

Just Python 3 and Influx should be all you need.

Hi Andrew
Many thanks.
So then i will give it another try ... probably the problem lies in using „Thonny“ to load and run the script on my pi system ... 🧐