
Add git tags

ehmicky opened this issue · 4 comments

Could you please add git tags on new releases? This will automatically create GitHub releases, which can help users getting notified on new releases via RSS.

Thanks for this project!

I've actually been meaning to transition to using GitHub releases instead of just a changelog file, and this is the impetus I needed to do it retroactively.

I'm traveling right now, but I'll try to take care of that this weekend.

I personally use release-it and it works like a charm but there are other similar tools as well to automate this task.

First off, appreciate you pinging on this thread, I had forgotten all about it. Good timing too, I just released version 3.0.0, and I manually created a github release for that version.

Second, good call on the release-it package, I'll definitely be giving that a go with the upcoming v6 release of moize (as well as releases of my other packages going forward).

Just did my first attempt with release-it, and works like a charm. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll use it henceforth!