
In awslib, all.puml does not contains all icons

arnaudroques opened this issue · 2 comments

It looks like Appstream2_0.puml changed to Appstream.puml in upstream tag v9.0. The icon is essentially the same: is from v7.0 that I didn't delete when I updated the icons last year.

There might be other such old files in other directories too. Deleting them would break any existing service-specific includes that reference the old files.

Thanks, that makes sense.

For the record, the fixed version of the OP issue is

!include <awslib/AWSCommon>
!include <awslib/AWSSimplified.puml>
!include <awslib/Compute/all.puml>
!include <awslib/mobile/all.puml>
!include <awslib/general/all.puml>
!include <awslib/GroupIcons/all.puml>
!include <awslib/CustomerEngagement/all.puml>
!include <awslib/NetworkingAndContentDelivery/all.puml>
!include <awslib/EndUserComputing/all.puml>
!include <awslib/ApplicationIntegration/all.puml>

AppStream(AppStream, " ", " ")
AutoScalingGroup(AutoScalingGroup, " ", " ")
EC2Instance(EC2Instance, " ", " ")
Internetalt1(Internetalt1, " ", " ")
DirectConnect(DirectConnect, " ", " ")
VPCVPNConnection(VPCVPNConnection, " ", " ")
VPCSubnetPublic(VPCSubnetPublic, " ", " ")
VPCSubnetPrivate(VPCSubnetPrivate, " ", " ")
VPCInternetGateway(VPCInternetGateway, " ", " ")
VPCCustomerGateway(VPCCustomerGateway, " ", " ")
TransitGateway(S3TransitGatewayStaging, " ", " ")
VPCElasticNetworkInterface(VPCElasticNetworkInterface, " ", " ")
ELBNetworkLoadBalancer(ELBNetworkLoadBalancer, " ", " ")

Cloudalt(Cloudalt, " ", " ")