
CSV file data

Joetooker95 opened this issue · 6 comments

Can we modify what data is pulled through to the export file and can each bit of data be modified to display in a particular order without having to do much modifying once the file opens? So that the data can easily be interpreted? If so i am happy to draw up a draft of what i think it should look like.

offline_COORDINATOR_Wed Feb 22 2023 00 26 29 GMT+0000_to_Sat Feb 25 2023 00 26 29 GMT+0000.csv

This is an example of what the output looks like at the moment (except createdAt will also be populated on live).

Let me know if there's anything you'd like adjusted.

I can't see your attachment @Joetooker95 . I think GitHub strips attachments from comments written by email. You'll need to attach it using the GitHub webpage.

If you can get back to me with a description of exactly what stats Bill needs, it might be better for me to implement some function that gathers them straight from the database. Then he won't need to do anything except log in and look them up when he needs to.

We can see if it suits them, and maybe add some extra controls if they need anything different.