
Apply actions to similar jobs

Opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. When selecting any of the ‘Actions’ for a job it would be good to be prompted to automatically update other jobs:
    a. Picked up: If there is more than one job for the rider at that location.
    b. Delivered: If there is more than one job that is already picked up, being delivered to the location by this rider. This is very good when delivering to a pathology lab.
    c. Rider Home: Mark him as home for all completed jobs.

I think a selection mode might be the cleanest way to solve this problem. It would let the user perform actions on multiple jobs and also lets them see exactly what actions are going to take place.

Selection mode is tracked on #39

Rider home could be the exception, where a rider can tell the app they are home, which will automatically update any delivered jobs.