

Global Land Use and technological Evolution Simulator (GLUES)


Glues is set up for building on many platforms. To facilitate cross-platform compatibility, the GNU autotools are used.

Quick install

From the .tgz distribution archive, run the file ./configure, then make

./configure && make

You should (but you can) not install GLUES in your system, rather use the provided example scripts run*.sh do execute glues.

More detailed installation

  1. If you downloaded the developer's version via mercurial CVS, you don't have a ./configure script. You can create this with the ./bootstrap shell script.

  2. Run ./configure, you can find generic help on configure options in the file INSTALL.

  3. If there are WARNING messages at the end of ./configure, please see below, otherwise, continue to building

  4. Run make (preferably gnu make) to build the glues system, you should end up with an executable glues in the directory src.

Warnings and errors during installation

  1. WARNING: no configuration information is in src/sisi
    There is no ./configure in the subdirectory sisi; this is only needed if you don't have the sisi library installed elsewhere on your system, i.e., if you need a new build of sisi

    Go to src/sisi and issue ./bootstrap, if you get errors, run autoreconf -fvi, then ./bootstrap again

     (cd src/sisi; ./bootstrap || autoreconf -fvi && ./boostrap)

    Run ./configure and make, and put the libraries into the lib directory

    (cd src/sisi; ./configure && gmake ) (cp src/sisi/lib/.libs/libSiSi* src/sisi/lib/)

  2. Doxygen not found but required to build documentation There is no doxygen on this system, and the documentation will not be build. This doesn't prevent you from running GLUES. If you need the API documentation, install doxygen, and run configure again.

  3. Cannot find -lSiSi You might have to copy the libSiSi.* files to src/sisi/li (see above 1.)

  4. Makefile.i not created: please upgrade your version of libtool

What do do if you don't get sisi to build or run

  1. Download the sisi package from the sourceforge site https://sourceforge.net/projects/glues/files/sisi/SiSi2.2.tgz/download

  2. Unpack the .tgz file and change to sisi directory

  3. run gmake lib to make the sisi library

  4. copy lib/libsisi.* to your systems library directory, ranlib libsisi.* and make an alias of this library under the name libSiSi.* and under the name libSiSi2.0.*

  5. copy include to your systems include directory

  6. Go back to your glues distribution

  7. Create an empty Makefile in src/sisi

     echo 'all:' > src/sisi/Makefile
   ./configure --with-sisi=<directory where you copied sisi lib and include> in glues directory