
Getting Started

$ git clone git@github.com:player1537/swarmrunner.git
$ # in a "server" tmux window
$ python3.7 -m swarmrunner server --port 8000
$ # in a "client" tmux window
$ python3.7 -m swarmrunner client listen
$ # in a browser
$ xdg-open
  • swarmrunner/server.py is the server script that handles the backend API.

  • swarmrunner/client.py is the client script that handles registering with the backend, listening for incoming scripts, and executing them.

  • swarmrunner/static/index.html is the default page that gets sent.

  • swarmrunner/static/main.js is the default JavaScript that gets executed.

  • by default, the server writes to log-server.txt and the client writes to log-client.txt. The --logfile parameter changes this.


  main index.html page
GET /clients/
  list of currently connected clients

  "clients": [
      "name": "my_name",
      "env": {
        "key1": "val1",
        "key2": "val2"
POST /register/:name
  register this client with this name
  body of request is a JSON object of environment variables.
POST /send/:name
  send data to a client connected with the given name.
  the expectation is that this is a shell (bash) script.
GET /listen/:name
  listen for incoming data on the given name.
  the expectation is that this is a shell (bash) script.