
Help Please. Can't switch to "Teensy Ports" under tool dropdown

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So after reading the instruction on a brand new teensy board. I did see that I need to make my computer recongnize the new board before I upload the audio guestbook program into the teensy. But I am not getting any response from the board. I was able to verify the code and it went all smooth after many tries up downloading the right files.

But after having the code verified and tried hitting upload I get an error code saying to select Teensy port. I know I'm very close to finishing the upload but can't figure out what I'm missing from my arduino program. I'm running Arduino 1.8.19

Tried other Youtube videos about getting the port driver installed but I'm not finding anything related to the Teensy board. Only thing I can find are driver for Arduino Uno.

Can someone point me to what driver am i missing or is it the micro usb cable I am using?