
about iframe

ctinkong opened this issue · 2 comments

The issue is as follows:
while testing a webpage, I need to access the controls within a child iframe. This iframe is dynamically generated by the parent page after the page has successfully loaded through a window.load event. During the code execution, I receive the page.OnLoad event, but the iframe does not appear. Additionally, I have logged the requests from page.OnRequest and indeed, I cannot find any URL associated with the iframe.
I would like to display the browser UI. I have only found examples for Node.js in the documentation. Could you please advise on how to display the UI, or does anyone have any insights into this issue? Thank you.

  • Use Headless: false to show browser.
browser, err := playwright.Chromium.Launch(playwright.BrowserTypeLaunchOptions{
		Headless: playwright.Bool(false),
  • to deal with iframe, you should use page.FrameLocator. otherwise check requests with browserContext.OnRequest
Headless: playwright.Bool(false),

It works. thanks.