
model drosophilid example using FlyBase trait terms

Closed this issue · 7 comments

An example treatment:

FlyBase vocabularies:

Cant seem to find the actual formal vocabulary/ontology files, however

if you think there is an annotated treatment on our site, then this does not exist. This is up to you, @gsautter, etc to accomplish, and essentially will be part of the coming proposal(s).

As usual, when I built the marine trait and HAO based tagger, I actually built a tagger that can take in any ontology term list in a CSV or tab separated format and create a tagger from that ... meaning to say: not all too bit a deal, maybe safe for the creation of the CSV, depending on what format the ontology comes in.

Thanks, @gsautter. If I can locate a csv/tsv version of this vocabulary we can mark up a sample using gg, but a marked up version is not necessary at this stage.

The OBO versions look OK for CSV conversion, think I've done something like that before ... is this the current version: ? Or is there even a representation you would deem easier to convert?

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