
Create single RDF representation

retog opened this issue · 2 comments

retog commented

Currently, we are having two different RDF representations of treatments.

For example for the treatment 03CB87C52324FFE6FCDE9030FA24F97E we provide the following two representations (in RDF Turtle for readability).

@prefix ns0: <> .
@prefix dc11: <> .
@prefix bibo: <> .

  a <> ;
  ns0:treatsTaxonName <> ;
  dc11:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ;
  ns0:publishedIn <> ;
  ns0:citesTaxonName <> .

  dc11:title "pp 705 - 708 in: Order out of Chaos" ;
  dc11:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ;
  a <> ;
  dc11:date "2007" ;
  bibo:startPage "705" ;
  bibo:endPage "708" .
@prefix ns0: <> .
@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix ns2: <> .
@prefix dc11: <> .
@prefix ns3: <> .

  a <> ;
  ns0:definesTaxonConcept <> ;
  ns0:publishedIn <> ;
  ns1:cites "Orchis spectabilis Linnaeus" ;
  ns2:SpeciesProfileModelhasInformation <>, <>, <> .

  dc11:title "pp 705 - 708 in: Order out of Chaos" ;
  dc11:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" .

  a <> ;
  ns3:LSID-IPNI "" ;
  ns3:authorityName "(L.) Raf." ;
  ns3:authorityPageNumber "1837" ;
  ns3:box "[1030,1313,1719,1741]" ;
  ns3:class "Liliopsida" ;
  ns3:family "Orchidaceae" ;
  ns3:genus "Galearis" ;
  ns3:kingdom "Plantae" ;
  ns3:order "Asparagales" ;
  ns3:pageId "2" ;
  ns3:pageNumber "707" ;
  ns3:phylum "Tracheophyta" ;
  ns3:rank "species" ;
  ns3:species "spectabilis" .

  a <spm:InfoItem> ;
  ns2:SpeciesProfileModelhasContent "   Orchis spectabilisLinnaeus, Species Plantarum2: 943- 1753." .

  a <spm:InfoItem> ;
  ns2:SpeciesProfileModelhasContent " “ Habitatin Virginia. D. Gronovius.” RCN: 6832." .

  a <spm:InfoItem> ;
  ns2:SpeciesProfileModelhasContent " Lectotype (Sheviak in Cafferty & Jarvis in Taxon48: 49. 1999): Clayton s.n.,Herb. Linn. No. 1054.44 (LINN)." .

The first graph is available when dereferencing with an appropriate accept-header as well when dereferencing The second Graph is available at

I suggest serving a unified RDF representation describing all the information we have about a treatment in a way that is accessible to all users of our RDF data and which aims for wide compliance with Data on the Web Best Practices.

Differences in the expressed content

One version contains more literal content of the treatment in the form of "InfoItems" the other version contains more explicit information about synonymity.


Treatment 03ACBF18FFD61B34FF31FB52FD04ED5B "deprecates" Sadayoshia_acroporae_Macpherson_2010 and defines adayoshia_aludra_Macpherson_2012 according to the lodRdf version:

  a <> ;
  ns0:definesTaxonConcept <> ;
  ns0:deprecates <> ;
  ns1:cites <>, <> .

The other rdf version states in regard to these two names:

  a <> ;
  ns0:definesTaxonConcept <> ;
  ns1:cites "Sadayoshia acroporae Macpherson & Baba 2010 : 418" ;

  a <> ;
  ns4:rank "species" ;
  ns4:species "aludra" ;
  ns4:status "n. sp." .
retog commented

The ontology namespace and the terms therein don't dereference.

According to the namespace for terms is:

I can't fid any reference to SpeciesProfileModelhasInformation within the tdwg GitHub organisation, nor anywhere else. @tcatapano, do you have a reference?

retog commented


In one RDF the objects are literals, in the other resources identified by URIs. What is the range of cito:cites? Potentially the definition of its superptoperty could be helpful.