
Makefile issue

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I noticed in your Makefile that it is copied into ../gossa.go. Based on the assumption that gossa-ui repository will be a submodule in the gossa repository, shouldn't the path be ../src/gossa.go?


perl -pe 's/template_will_be_here/cat ui.tmpl/ge' -i ../gossa.go
perl -pe 's/css_will_be_here/cat style.css/ge' -i ../gossa.go
perl -pe 's/js_will_be_here/cat script.js/ge' -i ../gossa.go
perl -pe 's/favicon_will_be_here/base64 -w0 favicon.png/ge' -i ../gossa.go

If so, I can create a PR with this and other minor improvement tweaks.

sorry for the slow reply, I didn't see your issue for some reason - yes it's a tad convoluted, the aim was to cram everything into ../gossa.go, so that the end binary does not depend on external files.

The idea was to have gossa/src/gossa.go as the sourcefile, and gossa/gossa.go as a temporary source that's modified by this makefile to hardcode all the CSS/JS/etc depencies hardcoded into it. This file temporary bundled source is then built, and rm'ed.

Looking forward to hear about other minor tweaks if you still have them at hand though :)