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meantime I did a real test on FastMM5 ->

under webbroker standalone webserver, running apachebench ab -n 10000 -c 100 -k -r ->

FastMM5 executable is faster identical at Intel TBB (both 11k reqs/sec)

but with a benchmark TParallel.For I get ->

  • Parallel For used : 1030549 ticks / BlockThreadContentionCounts: 0/2327401/0
    ThreadContention testing reported critical areas - consider to increse the corresponding CFastMM_XXXXXBlockArenaCount constant

  • with TBB Parallel For used : 202024 ticks (5 times quicker on I9 8/16 core)

in a single thread benchmark poker game ->

2M with TBB

2650k with FMM4

2750k with FMM5

so actually for single thread apps FMM5 wins by a few margin over FMM4

but for multithread should be tuned?

I forward this post to the author of FMM.