
[SOLVED] On Win10 it suddenly stops working (some update in december)

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one of the updates in December broke Launchbar. I could not find out which one exactly, started to see it in one VM, few days later a second one was affected.
I tried recovered by by uninstalling the MS updates, but had no success. It was kind of fuzzy.
Finally I used backups of the VM images. Then it was working even when updates were installed (on one VM still fine). The other VM broke again, upgraded to 1809 and still see the effect.
Other machines with clean installs of Win10-64 1809 do not expose the issue.

One of the December updates had a release note that sounded fishy. Many users had issues with that and it got replaced by MS. perhaps this triggers the problem?
When I find out more, I will post it here.

Launchbar does not show its window and after a short time the left tree view in Explorer gets garbled screen refresh when moving the scrollbar (Scrollbar gets mirrored into the toolbar/ribbon area. Sometimes even a black screen in that area).
Kiling the Launchbar process in Taskmanager fixes the screen after next refresh.

yep also seeing this :S

check link entries (directories in Launchbar).
I think I had a circular dependency. After removing it, all was good (found after debugging the sources).
Unfortunately I forgot to update this thread. Sorry!

To hunt it in your case, remove all directory entries and see it it starts working.
Then you can add directories one after the other.
I also recall that I had trouble with some directory entries pointing to some places in local, Roaming or so. I do not recall and it was unrelated to this thread.