
add permission to service plan

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi All!

For now if i have 200 domains on a server, and i only want to use Route53 for a few ones i cant achieve it.

It would be very important, the possibility to add a permission to a service plan to sync the plans DNS.

Can you please add this feature?


Thank you for posting feature request.

Could you describe the case in more details: are all 200 domains used by you or it's domains of some customers.

Why it's important: for DigitalOcean DNS and for Microsoft Azure DNS we have a separate list of domains where you can select which domains should be synced. A screenshot for you to see how it looks like. We don't use service plans because we assume these feature is mostly for Web Pros - server owners who host their own sites and Plesk helps them to manage these sites.


Thanks for your answer. In my case i provide shared hosting for customers, and use route53 for a few of my domains (on the same server), but if a customer changes anything in there own DNS, the extension submits the whole records to AWS causing extra price.

DO DNS solution is good too, but i thought it could be nice to turn on Route53 for a subscription, like turning WP toolkit on. In that case i can sell a subscription with "normal" DNS handling, or with "extra cool" AWS route53 handling.

Can it be possible? Like in this arcicle:

That's great that you've found needed SDK! As the extension is open source you can send us a pull request with suggested improvements.