
PHP 7.0 detected, but there is no PHP 7.0 installed

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Ubuntu18to20 package is detecting PHP 7.0 is installed on my system, which is not really the case.
Investigation shows that the Ubuntu18to20 (using plesk dist-upgrader ( is expecting php_handlers to end on

This is on line 57 of (
php_hanlers = {"'{}-fastcgi'", "'{}-fpm'", "'{}-fpm-dedicated

But my systems (and several others i run) show this as output
root@test:~# plesk bin php_handler --list
id: display name: full version: version: type: cgi-bin: php-cli: php.ini: custom: status:
cgi 7.2.17 by OS vendor 7.2.24 7.2 cgi /usr/bin/php-cgi /usr/bin/php /etc/php/7.2/cgi/php.ini false disabled
fastcgi 7.2.17 by OS vendor 7.2.24 7.2 fastcgi /usr/bin/php-cgi /usr/bin/php /etc/php/7.2/cgi/php.ini false enabled
fpm 7.2.17 by OS vendor 7.2.24 7.2 fpm /usr/sbin/php-fpm7.2 /usr/bin/php /etc/php/7.2/fpm/php.ini false enabled
module 7.2.17 by OS vendor 7.2.24 7.2 module /usr/bin/php-cgi /usr/bin/php /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini false enabled

The id is missing here the - so the check will fail most likely.

I can fix this ofcourse by removing the os vendor php, but i think this cornercase should be addressed in the scripts also.

This issue is solved by 2.0 version i did not notice, sorry.