
Type errors on updateOne/upsert when schema contains array

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If I create a schema that contains an array, I get an error when trying to use $set within updateOne or upsert. See below to reproduce.

const clubhouseSchema = schema(
		location: types.string({ required: true }),
		mapName: types.string({ required: true }),
		title: types.string({ required: true }),
		contractName: types.string({ required: true }),
		contractAddress: types.string({ required: true }),
		traits: types.array(types.number),
		timestamps: true,

export type ClubhouseDoc = (typeof clubhouseSchema)[0];

const Clubhouse = papr.model('clubhouses', clubhouseSchema);
export default Clubhouse;
const result = await Clubhouse.upsert(
				mapName: clubhouse.mapName,
				$set: {
					location: clubhouse.location,

I get the following error on $set:

TS2322: Type '{ location: string; }' is not assignable to type 'PaprMatchKeysAndValues<{ createdAt: Date; updatedAt: Date; _id: ObjectId; location: string; mapName: string; title: string; contractName: string; contractAddress: string; traits?: ((options?: Options | undefined) => GetType<...>)[] | undefined; }>'.   Type '{ location: string; }' is not assignable to type 'PaprArrayElementsProperties<{ createdAt: Date; updatedAt: Date; _id: ObjectId; location: string; mapName: string; title: string; contractName: string; contractAddress: string; traits?: ((options?: Options | undefined) => GetType<...>)[] | undefined; }>'.     Property 'location' is incompatible with index signature.       Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.

mongodbTypes.d.ts(143, 5): The expected type comes from property '$set' which is declared here on type 'PaprUpdateFilter<{ createdAt: Date; updatedAt: Date; _id: ObjectId; location: string; mapName: string; title: string; contractName: string; contractAddress: string; traits?: ((options?: Options | undefined) => GetType<...>)[] | undefined; }>'

If I delete the traits array from the schema, the error goes away.

avaly commented

I can't reproduce that error with the code you posted. I suspect it may be related to your TS version or tsconfig.json options. Can you please share those?

Ah, you are right. I am currently on Typescript 4.2.4. Upgrading to 4.9.5 removes the error. Thanks!