
Data and code relative to the study of 7q11.23 copy-number alterations in human Ngn2-driven iNeurons

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Impact of 7q11.23 CNVs in human Ngn2-driven iNeurons

This repository contains records of the -omics analysis underlying the paper, as well as compiled results objects. In addition, a web interface giving access to these results is available here.

The repository is structured aroung the following folders:

  • clean/ contains, for each dataset, R .rds objects of the quantifications, DEA and enrichment results.
  • indiv_processing/ contains the analyses ran to produce the objects in 'clean/', including DEA analyses, as well as QCs and staging analyses.
  • figures/ contains the code used to generate the papers' main (bioinfo) figures.
  • extData/ contains external data objects (e.g. from other studies) used in the analyses.
  • misc/ (as well as some R files in the root folder) contains R functions used in the analyses.