
A intergalactic theme based on Spacemacs Color Scheme

Primary LanguageVim Script



High recommended: Install Droid-Sans-Mono in your computer.

Based on Spacemacs Color Scheme



Vim Example

Clone and open this repo, then put astrofish.vim file in your ~/.vim/colors/ directory

git clone https://github.com/raphamorim/astrofish.git && cd astrofish
cp vim/astrofish.vim ~/.vim/colors/

Add the following line to your vimrc file:

syntax enable
set number
colorscheme astrofish


iTerm Example

  1. Use git clone git@github.com:raphamorim/astrofish.git (or use .zip download option)
  2. iTerm > Settings Tab
  3. Go to "Profiles > Colors" tab
  4. Click "Color Presets..." to import and select the iterm/Astrofish.itermcolors file


Terminal Example

  1. Use git clone git@github.com:raphamorim/astrofish.git (or use .zip download option)
  2. Terminal > Settings Tab
  3. Click "Gear" icon
  4. Click Import and select the terminal/Astrofish.terminal file
  5. Click Default

Color Palette

Palette Hex RGB HSL 🎨
Background #292B2E 41 43 46 216° 6% 17% Background Color
Current Line #212026 33 32 38 250° 9% 14% Current Line Color
Selection #292E34 41 46 52 213° 12% 18% Selection Color
Foreground #ADB0A2 173 176 162 73° 8% 66% Foreground Color
Comment #2A9BA3 42 155 163 184° 59% 40% Comment Color
String #2C9372 44 147 114 161° 54% 37% String Color
Variable #6590DA 101 144 218 218° 61% 63% Variable Color
Function #BB6DC4 187 109 196 294° 42% 60% Function Color
Border #5D4D7A 93 77 122 261° 23% 39% Border Color
Type #CC5279 204 82 121 341° 54% 56% Type Color
Keyword #4D92CC 77 146 204 207° 55% 55% Keyword Color


Why not use astrofish color scheme in your favorite editor? does not exist? So what about creating one, is very simple \o/

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: `git commit -m 'Add some feature'``
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :)


Credits: Project inspired by Lucario Theme.

License: MIT ® Raphael Amorim.