
64-bit binary from CTAN reports version 2.17 instead of 2.18

grondina opened this issue ยท 8 comments

After upgrading my TeX Live installation with tlmgr update --self --all I noticed that Biber started to fail:

ERROR - Error: Found biblatex control file version 3.9, expected version 3.8.
This means that your biber (2.17) and biblatex (3.18) versions are incompatible.
See compat matrix in biblatex or biber PDF documentation.

The version reported by the binary is indeed 2.17, and this is the only one installed in the system:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-2-39 ~]$ sudo find / -type f -executable -name "biber"
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-2-39 ~]$ which -a biber
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-2-39 ~]$ biber --version
biber version: 2.17

Which is not the same as reported by tlmgr:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-2-39 ~]$ tlmgr info biber | grep cat-version
cat-version: 2.18

I have the same binary as the one in CTAN:

[root@ip-172-31-2-39 ~]# mkdir biber_ctan
[root@ip-172-31-2-39 ~]# cd biber_ctan
[root@ip-172-31-2-39 biber_ctan]# wget -q
[root@ip-172-31-2-39 biber_ctan]# ls -l
total 24060
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 24636893 Jun 22 20:24 biber-linux_x86_64.tar.gz
[root@ip-172-31-2-39 biber_ctan]# tar xvzf biber-linux_x86_64.tar.gz 
[root@ip-172-31-2-39 biber_ctan]# md5sum biber
3f67b6c2fb8f79faf52429df1f20098b  biber
[root@ip-172-31-2-39 biber_ctan]# md5sum $(which biber)
3f67b6c2fb8f79faf52429df1f20098b  /usr/local/texlive/2022/bin/x86_64-linux/biber
[root@ip-172-31-2-39 biber_ctan]# ./biber --version
biber version: 2.17

Shouldn't this binary be 2.18? Sorry if this is not the right location to report issues with binaries in CTAN.

plk commented

Greetings, yes, this is a known issue with the 64-bit linux build server. I will be updating the binary on SF later today and correcting TL and CTAN after that. You can use the 2.18 DEV binary for now from SF which will work.

plk commented

This is now fixed and Sourceforge current linux 64-bit binary is now 2.18. I have requested update of CTAN and TL.

aywi commented

@plk This issue has not been fixed on Windows platforms:

ERROR - Error: Found biblatex control file version 3.9, expected version 3.8.
This means that your biber (2.17) and biblatex (3.18) versions are incompatible.
See compat matrix in biblatex or biber PDF documentation.

Running biber.exe --version will get

biber version: 2.17

The version of biber.win32 is 63707.

plk commented

Should be fixed now on SF for win32. Have requested update of CTAN/TL too. Win64 was not affected.

On macOS this still seams to be an open issue.

plk commented

Are you sure? Updating biber just now in TexLive:

> /Library/TeX/texbin/biber --version
biber version: 2.18

Oh, I got it!
Some link problem on my side.

/Library/TeX/texbin/biber --version

Get s me biber version: 2.18 as well (yey!)


biber -v

is still on 2.17. Turns out that's

which biber

In short, the home-brew biber seams to still be on 2.17.

plk commented

Presumably that homebrew version is just like my macports raw perl version I use for development which is also in my path first ...