
Unicode in `@string` macros?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have a Biblatex file /tmp/basic.bib like this:

@string{P = {Pöblisher}}

  author    = {Authors},
  title     = {Title},
  publisher = P

When I run it through biber, I end up with this in /tmp/basic_bibertool.bib:

@STRING{P = "Pöblisher"}

  AUTHOR = {Authors},
  TITLE = {Title},

Note that the "ö" in the original @string has been garbled. I would have expected biber to not touch the encoding of @string here.

I've tried with Biber 2.18, and also with bin/biber from the dev branch here (, both with various combinations of -u and -U.

Perfect, that fixes it: perl -I lib/ ./bin/biber --tool /tmp/basic.bib; cat /tmp/basic_bibertool.bib:

@STRING{P = "Pöblisher"}

  AUTHOR = {Authors},
  TITLE = {Title},

Thanks a lot by the way for this wonderful tool!

plk commented

Thanks for confirming. I'll update the DEV version binaries later tonight.

plk commented

This was indeed a bug, fixed in 2.19 dev branch and also in binaries in the development folder in sourceforce: