
Unicode mistake in @string

Closed this issue · 9 comments

When I apply the following line to the following file, I get a new file in which the Umlaut is broken.
biber --tool --output-field-replace=location:address,journaltitle:journal,date:year grammar.bib

@string{goettingen = "Göttingen"}

  author    = {Altmann, Hans and Hahnemann, Suzan},
  publisher = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht},
  address   = goettingen,
  checked   = {lk 2022},
  edition   = {4},
  title     = {{Prüfungswissen Syntax: Arbeitstechniken -- Klausurfragen -- Lösungen}},
  year      = {2010},


  AUTHOR = {Altmann, Hans and Hahnemann, Suzan},
  PUBLISHER = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht},
  EDITION = {4},
  TITLE = {{Prüfungswissen Syntax: Arbeitstechniken -- Klausurfragen -- Lösungen}},
  YEAR = {2010},
plk commented

Can you try the development version of biber (2.19) from Sourceforge? I think this might have already been addressed.

Thanks but now biblatex does not work any longer. Biber wants bcf with 3.10. version. I think I have the most recent biblatex ....

ERROR - Error: Found biblatex control file version 3.9, expected version 3.10.
This means that your biber (2.19) and biblatex (3.19) versions are incompatible.
plk commented

Ah, yes, you'll need the dev (3.19) version of biblatex from sourceforge too but only if you want to use biber in non-tool mode.

I installed this but it does result in the error message above. I extract bibtex items from bcf in my workflow and have unicode problems there as well. So I thought I go for the complete update. But there does not seem to be a biblatex that corresponds to the biber I have.

plk commented

This is likely an issue with your tex path - you might just post to and someone will sort that out for you - there are several threads there about using dev versions and how to install.

I installed the file in my texpath and it finds it, as you can see in the error message above and here:

Package: biblatex 2022/07/31 v3.19 programmable bibliographies (PK/MW)

But I may have downloaded the wrong biblatex package or the two are just not compatible.

plk commented

Hmm, I will check this, that seems odd.

plk commented

Try the biblatex 3.19 dev version from SF again:

There was some strange issue with SF which was serving up the current version from the DEV links.